Norfolk Records Committee constitution
This is a constitution for the Norfolk Records Committee ( hereafter ‘the Committee’). It is intended to:
· Guide the Committee’s work.
· Brief new members on how the Committee works.
· Help the Committee to be transparent and accountable.
1. Remit
The Committee’s remit is:
· To maintain the list of bird species and forms requiring a description in Norfolk (the ‘county description list’), based on either rarity or difficulty of identification (or both).
· To assess submissions of species and forms on this list.
· To assess other exceptional records at the request of the Recorder/Rarities Coordinator(s).
2. Context and relationships
The Committee works with the following individuals and organisations whose roles are complementary but separate:
· The Recorder, responsible for all recording matters not related to the above.
· The Editor, responsible for all editorial matters relating to the Norfolk Bird Report.
· BBRC, responsible for assessing records of species and forms on the BBRC list.
3. Area of jurisdiction
The current political entity of Norfolk.
4. Composition
The committee comprises five members.
5. Role of Rarities Coordinator(s)
The Committee’s work is managed by the Rarities Coordinator(s). The role is responsible for:
· Obtaining, receiving and circulating records of species and forms on the county description list.
· Logging decisions made by the Committee and sending decisions to the Recorder for official recording and to the Editor for publishing in the Norfolk Bird Report.
· Convening an annual meeting, agreeing an agenda and taking and circulating minutes.
· Recruiting new members.
· Liaising with the Recorder, Editor and BBRC Secretary as necessary.
· Acting as the Committee’s contact point for enquiries and correspondence.
· Coordinating decision-making by the Committee.
· Liaising with the Webmaster and providing content for the Committee’s website.
The Rarities Coordinator(s) have no voting powers on records.
6. Powers
The Committee may:
· Form a subcommittee from within its own membership to consider an agreed subset of records.
· Seek advice from independent experts as necessary.
· Co-opt an additional member to cover for absence.
7. Recruitment and selection
Candidates are identified by the Committee and the Rarities Coordinator(s) and approached by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
In the event of a contest/multiple candidates the Committee’s nominee will be decided by a simple majority vote of the current members.
8. Recruitment criteria
Committee members should have:
· An acknowledged expertise in identification.
· A track record of finding rare birds.
· A track record of high quality submissions.
· The respect of the local birding community.
· The ability to accept and demomstrate ‘corporate responsibility’ over Committee decisions.
· A willingness to complete Committee work without undue delay.
· Access to appropriate IT equipment.
9. Tenure
Membership will normally be for five years, the longest-serving member retiring each year.
Membership will begin after each annual meeting.
10. Voting procedures
Records will be circulated by email by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
Records are accepted with four or five votes in favour.
Two or more votes against a record results in a ‘not proven’ decision.
Records can be pended only where additional information or evidence might be forthcoming.
The Committee may accept records as ‘either/or’ where both species/forms are on the county rarity list (e.g. Great or Cory’s Shearwater).
11. Conflicts of interest
Where a conflict of interest arises for a voting member (e.g. one of his/her own records is being assessed), this should be made clear.
Subject to the above, a member may vote on his/her own record.
12. Communication
Committee decisions and news (e.g. updates to the description list) will be published in the Norfolk Bird Report.
Other aspects of the Committee’s work (e.g. WIP file, submission guidelines, identification material) will be provided to the Webmaster for uploading to the Committee’s website.
13. Challenge and review
Observers can request a review of a decision where additional information or evidence is forthcoming.
14. Decision-making procedures
Matters requiring a decision (e.g. a proposed change to policy or procedures) should be routed through the Rarities Coordinator(s).
The Rarities Coordinator(s) will email out the proposal for comment, ensure a response from all members and then establish the view of the whole Committee. Where views differ, a decision will be reached by simple voting majority and will then be communicated and documented.
15. Archiving of records
Submissions and assessments will be retained by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
15. Annual meeting
The committee will meet annually, as arranged by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
These meetings will be preceded by a draft agenda to which all invitees may contribute.
The meeting will be chaired by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
Minutes will be taken to document all decisions and will be circulated subsequently to all members and invitees.
Invitees will be Committee members, the Rarities Coordinator(s), the Recorder, the Editor and the Webmaster. Other attendees can be invited at the discretion of the Rarities Coordinator(s).
A review of the description list will be a standing item.
This is a constitution for the Norfolk Records Committee ( hereafter ‘the Committee’). It is intended to:
· Guide the Committee’s work.
· Brief new members on how the Committee works.
· Help the Committee to be transparent and accountable.
1. Remit
The Committee’s remit is:
· To maintain the list of bird species and forms requiring a description in Norfolk (the ‘county description list’), based on either rarity or difficulty of identification (or both).
· To assess submissions of species and forms on this list.
· To assess other exceptional records at the request of the Recorder/Rarities Coordinator(s).
2. Context and relationships
The Committee works with the following individuals and organisations whose roles are complementary but separate:
· The Recorder, responsible for all recording matters not related to the above.
· The Editor, responsible for all editorial matters relating to the Norfolk Bird Report.
· BBRC, responsible for assessing records of species and forms on the BBRC list.
3. Area of jurisdiction
The current political entity of Norfolk.
4. Composition
The committee comprises five members.
5. Role of Rarities Coordinator(s)
The Committee’s work is managed by the Rarities Coordinator(s). The role is responsible for:
· Obtaining, receiving and circulating records of species and forms on the county description list.
· Logging decisions made by the Committee and sending decisions to the Recorder for official recording and to the Editor for publishing in the Norfolk Bird Report.
· Convening an annual meeting, agreeing an agenda and taking and circulating minutes.
· Recruiting new members.
· Liaising with the Recorder, Editor and BBRC Secretary as necessary.
· Acting as the Committee’s contact point for enquiries and correspondence.
· Coordinating decision-making by the Committee.
· Liaising with the Webmaster and providing content for the Committee’s website.
The Rarities Coordinator(s) have no voting powers on records.
6. Powers
The Committee may:
· Form a subcommittee from within its own membership to consider an agreed subset of records.
· Seek advice from independent experts as necessary.
· Co-opt an additional member to cover for absence.
7. Recruitment and selection
Candidates are identified by the Committee and the Rarities Coordinator(s) and approached by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
In the event of a contest/multiple candidates the Committee’s nominee will be decided by a simple majority vote of the current members.
8. Recruitment criteria
Committee members should have:
· An acknowledged expertise in identification.
· A track record of finding rare birds.
· A track record of high quality submissions.
· The respect of the local birding community.
· The ability to accept and demomstrate ‘corporate responsibility’ over Committee decisions.
· A willingness to complete Committee work without undue delay.
· Access to appropriate IT equipment.
9. Tenure
Membership will normally be for five years, the longest-serving member retiring each year.
Membership will begin after each annual meeting.
10. Voting procedures
Records will be circulated by email by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
Records are accepted with four or five votes in favour.
Two or more votes against a record results in a ‘not proven’ decision.
Records can be pended only where additional information or evidence might be forthcoming.
The Committee may accept records as ‘either/or’ where both species/forms are on the county rarity list (e.g. Great or Cory’s Shearwater).
11. Conflicts of interest
Where a conflict of interest arises for a voting member (e.g. one of his/her own records is being assessed), this should be made clear.
Subject to the above, a member may vote on his/her own record.
12. Communication
Committee decisions and news (e.g. updates to the description list) will be published in the Norfolk Bird Report.
Other aspects of the Committee’s work (e.g. WIP file, submission guidelines, identification material) will be provided to the Webmaster for uploading to the Committee’s website.
13. Challenge and review
Observers can request a review of a decision where additional information or evidence is forthcoming.
14. Decision-making procedures
Matters requiring a decision (e.g. a proposed change to policy or procedures) should be routed through the Rarities Coordinator(s).
The Rarities Coordinator(s) will email out the proposal for comment, ensure a response from all members and then establish the view of the whole Committee. Where views differ, a decision will be reached by simple voting majority and will then be communicated and documented.
15. Archiving of records
Submissions and assessments will be retained by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
15. Annual meeting
The committee will meet annually, as arranged by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
These meetings will be preceded by a draft agenda to which all invitees may contribute.
The meeting will be chaired by the Rarities Coordinator(s).
Minutes will be taken to document all decisions and will be circulated subsequently to all members and invitees.
Invitees will be Committee members, the Rarities Coordinator(s), the Recorder, the Editor and the Webmaster. Other attendees can be invited at the discretion of the Rarities Coordinator(s).
A review of the description list will be a standing item.