Welcome to the Norfolk Records Committee.
The role of the Norfolk Records Committee is to present an accurate and reliable account of present day bird records in the county of Norfolk. These records will ultimately become part of the county’s historical archive and it is therefore essential that before sightings of many of the rarer species can be added to this archive, a formal description is required. It is the task of the committee to assess these descriptions to see if the species involved is described to a satisfactory level of confidence. An archive of accurate, reliable bird records is extremely important, not only as a tool for conservation but also as a historical document. Each year’s sightings are published in The Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report by The Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society. The data in this annual publication is widely quoted and has formed the backbone for books such as The Birds of Norfolk. as well as being used in many scientific papers, and official documents and publications. The accurate recording of bird species – be they rare, scarce or common – is something that both the county recorder and the records committee members continually strive to achieve.
The primary role of the committee is to assess records of bird species or forms considered rare at the county level. The assessment process involves the circulation of written descriptions and associated media around a committee of five elected members. Each member assesses every description and then votes on the merit of the description. Regardless of the observer's experience or reputation, no records are accepted and published unless they are accepted by a majority decision from the committee. Accepted records are subsequently published in the annual Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report.
This website provides details about the committee along with information on which birds need descriptions. It also explains how to submit a description and gives help on writing descriptions. Please use the navigation bar at the top of the page to read relevant subjects.
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